These 20 Stunning Caricatures of Maxine Will Inspire You


Laughing and having fun are important in a culture where stress and negativity may occasionally take over our daily lives. The cherished Maxine comics are one source of happiness that has delighted many people. In 1986, John Wagner created the observant and charming Maxine. Her sense of humor and sharp wit are highly known. You won’t be able to stop laughing after seeing these 20 of Maxine’s cutest and funniest moments. See this blog article for additional details.


Maxine’s unique blend of wit, comedy, and audacious outlook on life will have you laughing till you cry. She now values the small things in life more. All set to relax, enjoy yourself, and find a seat.

Be prepared to relax and enjoy yourself as we set out on an incredible journey to discover Maxine’s enlightenment.

This blog post, which features twenty of the sweetest and funniest Maxine moments ever, will have you laughing so hard you’ll cry. Get ready for an amazing journey inside Maxine’s universe.


This may contain: an older woman is talking to her dog on the couch with a speech bubble saying, floyd's super power is turning a $ 20 checkup into a $ 200 vet bill


This may contain: an old woman is talking to a baseball player


This may contain: an old woman holding a cell phone next to a dog


This may contain: an older woman talking to another person with a speech bubble above her head that says it's easter sunday, or as most people call it what are you doing here?


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This may contain: an old woman is sitting on the roof and looking at a bird with binoculars in her hand


This may contain: an old man with sunglasses and a cat in front of him is looking at the stars


This may contain: a man sitting in a chair next to a fire hydrant


This may contain: an older woman is running with her dog in front of her and the caption reads, i just completed a triathlon, started out running, then finished


This may contain: an older woman holding a shopping bag in front of a cartoon sign that reads, somebody took a beating in the market the other day maybe next time they'll pay attention to


This may contain: an older woman is serving food to a younger man


This may contain: an older woman sitting at a table with a mug in her hand and the caption, it's time to wave goodbye to winter guess what finger i'll be using?


This may contain: an older woman sitting at a table with a man in front of her and the words i'll have the pale kale shake, said no one on vacation ever


This may contain: an old woman sitting at a desk with a computer on her lap and the words, it's take your dog to work day followed by why does it smell like dog pee at work day?


This may contain: a man riding on the back of a bike next to a woman


This may contain: an older woman watching tv while eating popcorn


This may contain: a man sitting in a beach chair next to a dog on the beach with an umbrella


This may contain: an older woman sitting on a stool with a clock above her head and the words at my age, i'm never sure i'll get that spring forward hour back




This may contain: an older woman with glasses and a green jacket

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Josh Freese


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