Swimming in a River Is A Blonde

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In a river swims a blonde. She is asked, “What are you doing in there?” by a man who approaches her. “I’m washing my clothes,” she declares.

“Why don’t you use a washing machine?” the man queries. “I tried that, but it was too dizzy,” the blonde remarks.

When a blonde buys two horses, she has trouble telling them apart.
Thus, she consults the farmer next door for advice.

To chop off one of their tails, he commands. Thus, she acts.

The other horse’s tail, however, rips off after becoming tangled in a shrub. so that she is unable to distinguish between them once more. She approaches the farmer once more for guidance.

He instructs her to trim the horse’s ear. Thus, she acts. However, the other horse later suffers an ear rip from a barbed wire fence.

She’s still perplexed. What should I do, she asks the farmer. She should measure them, he says.

“The white horse is 2 inches taller than the black horse,” she remarks when she returns. A vacation agency is passed by a blonde.

A travel agency has a sign in the window that reads, “Cruise Special – $99!” as a blonde passes by.

Upon entering, she places her cash on the desk and requests the $99 cruise discount.

Grabbing her, the agent drags her into the back room and attaches her to a big inner tube before dragging her downhill to the river and out the back door, where he pushes her in and lets her float.

A few minutes later, another blonde passes by, notices the sign, comes in, places her money on the counter, and asks for the $99 special.

She is also sent floating down the river while being fastened to an inner tube. Eventually, drifting into the stronger current, she catches up to the initial blonde.

After some time of floating side by side, the first blonde inquires, “Do they serve refreshments on this cruise?”

In response, the second blonde says, “They didn’t last year.” HAHA! I hope you will laugh at this joke! Enjoy your wonderful day!

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Anjum Iqbal


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