After death, a cat enters paradise

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“You have been a good cat all these years,” says God as he greets him at the gate. “All you have to do is ask, and you shall receive anything you desire.”

“Well, I lived my entire life with a poor family on a farm and had to sleep on hardwood floors,” the cat replies. God advises to stop talking.

Suddenly, a plump pillow materializes. Six mice pass away and enter heaven a few days later. The identical gift that God extended to the cat is what greets people at the gate.

“We’ve had to run our entire lives,” the mice remarked. We’ve been chased by dogs, cats, and even women with brooms. “We wouldn’t have to run anymore if we could just have a pair of roller skates.”

God advises to stop talking. Immediately, each mouse gets equipped with a lovely set of miniature roller skates.

A week or so later, God makes the decision to see how the cat is faring. Slumbering soundly on his new pillow is the cat.

He is softly roused by God, who says, “How are you doing? Are you content where you are? The cat adds, “Oh, I’ve never been happier in my life,” as it stretches and yawns.

“You guys are the best at sending over Meals on Wheels!”

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