A Instruction on Respect and Self-Reliance


My best friend and I were having a normal evening at a restaurant when a terrible surprise occurred. I caught my husband laughing and spending private moments with a young, attractive woman, all without realizing I was there. My smart friend stopped me before I lost my temper.

She grabbed my arm and said, “Darling, let’s not lose our self-respect by making a scene.” She made a different suggestion, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

My companion subtly gestured to the waiter and pointed to my husband’s table. The waitress shocked us by saying they had been coming to the restaurant for weeks. My friend’s comforting embrace gave me hope that we could manage this skillfully even if my world had fallen apart.

A Lesson in Dignity and Empowerment

She gave the waiter instructions to bring my husband’s table two glasses of champagne and the bill. We sipped our champagne and observed my husband’s puzzled reaction when he saw the bill. As he looked around the room and eventually caught my gaze, panic struck.

I walked up to their table with confidence, said hello, and struck up a nice discussion. My spouse stammered while speaking, and the young lady’s unease was evident. Coldly, my companion reminded him that scenes were not for us and that he was the one who had to pay for this supper.

As I walked away, I experienced a mixture of empowerment and grief because I realized I didn’t have to cause a spectacle in order to get my dignity back. I was able to accept my strength and move on with a better future thanks to this difficult lesson.

A Lesson in Dignity and Empowerment

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Anjum Iqbal


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