You’re going to love how Karma gave her back when she told me to take down my fence, like my entitled neighbor did.

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My serene existence on Maple Street became less quiet when Kayla, my new neighbor, informed me that I had to remove my old fence. I was unaware of a series of circumstances that would completely upend her life.

Kayla was a city realtor who was quick to obtain what she wanted, but she got into a lot of trouble for it. Her dog, Duke, escaped and got into a lot of trouble. Her possessions were also taken. Kayla begged me to replace the fence, but I refused, and her life continued to unravel.

I couldn’t help but notice the irony as Kayla’s situation deteriorated. Her attempts to dominate me ultimately proved to be her downfall. Though ultimately her own actions killed her, she attempted to dictate to me what I could and could not do on my own land.

I recalled the day she approached me initially, behaving as though she was conceited and spoiled. She didn’t realize how much difficulties her actions would cause. She wouldn’t listen to me when I tried to reason with her by telling her that the previous owners had approved the fence.

The weeks passed and Kayla’s life continued to get harder and harder. Duke was often escaping, and her furniture was broken. She made an attempt to stop him, but it was unsuccessful.

At some point, I decided to let go and let Kayla do what she did. I replaced the fence panels after I sold my house and relocated to a new neighborhood. I felt at ease and even loved in my new house. The thought of Kayla’s punishment having come full circle made me smile.

I took away from the event that trying to influence other people might backfire on us and that fate can be cunning. I gained the ability to advocate for myself and resist giving in to unreasonable expectations. I’m thinking of Kayla. I hope she came to grasp the value of kindness and compassion.

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