Woman Raises Son’s Daughter He Left 10 Years Ago, He Returns and Finds House Abandoned and Empty – Story of the Day
Doris Dakkar had been a single mother to her only son after her husband had walked out on her when Nicholas was seven years old. It hadn’t been easy, but Doris worked two jobs and made sure her son lacked for nothing.
Back then, she’d been thirty years old. She never imagined she’d become a single parent once again at the age of sixty. Nor did she imagine her son would abandon his daughter. She never thought he had that much of his father in him.
Nicholas had married a lovely girl, Sandra, but unfortunately, she passed away when their daughter, Paige, was nine. Doris had told herself that Nicky had been lonely, that’s why he’d taken up with Donna just weeks after Sandra’s death — and married her within six months.
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