Severe autistic spectrum condition affects Timothy. In addition, he is a seven-year-old youngster who plays and loves unconditionally.He need a lot of additional support at school and occasionally acts as though he is unaware of what is going on right in front of his nose.
Although neither of us know the other, my son Timothy occasionally sits next to your kid at school.
While he occasionally struggles to establish friends, my autistic kid longs for companionship.He occasionally lacks the confidence to beg to play.There are moments when he wants to be included but is unsure of how.
We who are parents of special needs children are acutely aware of the hurt that our children experience when excluded from social events.

sleepovers, play dates, organized sports, and, of course, the dreaded birthday parties.
Without a doubt, I can state that my son has not attended any of them. Over the past few years, we have been inundated with invites, most of which are sent by children who ruthlessly invite the entire class. Please understand that I am appreciative.
However, I’m curious if the parents are aware of the consequences if I bring Timothy. The breakdowns and the disruptions. How I would hate to steal the birthday child’s limelight.
Thus, we kindly decline. Each and every one.
till you received a special notice along with your invitation in the mail. It said:
“At school, Carter sat next to Timothy, and he never stopped talking about him.” I sincerely hope he can make it. A SMALL BOUNCE SLIDE CAN BE ATTACHED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE BOUNCE CASTLE THAT WE ARE RENTING. APART FROM THAT, WE’LL HAVE WATER GUNS AND BALLOONS. If there would be too much for the entire class, Timothy might be able to arrive earlier in the day. Tell me how we can make it work, please.
Without without realizing it, you wrote just what I needed to see that day.Your son is the reason he is included.Your son makes him feel wanted.Your son is the reason he has a voice.
And I want you to know that you’re the reason I’m able to face another day.I’m able to make it through another appointment because of you.
I’m able to handle more questions and looks now that I have you.You’ve given me hope for Timothy’s future.I wanted to let you know how wonderful your son’s education is going to be.
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