This teacher was among the many who were shocked by the little girl’s assignment. Funny


This young girl just astounded everyone, even her teacher, with her assignment. The instructor assigned this task to her fifth-grade class:

Encourage their parents to read them a moral-filled story. When the children returned the following day, they started sharing their stories one by one.

Susie remarked, “I was gathering eggs from the hen house one day. We live on a farm. After gathering the eggs and placing them in my basket, I started to sprint in the direction of the house.

I broke all the eggs when I stumbled over a rock as I was sprinting. “So, Susie, what’s the lesson in the story?” asked the instructor.

Susie advised against putting all of your eggs in one basket. Billy was the next to leave. Billy said, “We also live on a farm.” “Our eggs hatch with the aid of our incubators.

The incubators’ electricity was turned off one evening during a thunderstorm, caused by lightning. “So, Billy, what’s the lesson in that story?” asked the instructor.

Billy advised, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” The instructor faced Janie.

Do you have a tale to tell, Jane? “Indeed, ma’am. I was told a story about my mother by my father. During Desert Storm, she flew a Marine and her jet was hit.

All she had with her was a survival knife, a revolver, and a flask of alcohol when she had to jump out over hostile territory.

Her parachute dropped her squarely in the middle of twenty Iraqi soldiers, so she drank the whiskey on the way down to avoid breaking the bottle.

She killed four more with the knife until the blade broke, then she killed the final Iraqi with her bare hands. She had already shot fifteen of them with the pistol before running out of ammunition.

“Oh my god,” exclaimed the startled teacher. “What lesson did your father teach you from this terrible tale?” “Don’t mess with Mommy when she’s had alcohol,” he remarked.

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Anjum Iqbal


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