I took my revenge since my in-laws had told me to sleep in a barn, and I wasn’t prepared for such disrespect.

-1 points

My ideal Christmas would have included my twins’ first encounter with their grandparents, lots of laughter throughout the home, and lots of warmth. I was told I would be sleeping in the barn and given stern instructions instead of being hugged. By yourself.

What’s the connection between a Facebook disaster, a barn, and a crib? I spent Christmas with my in-laws like that.

If you thought your holiday was difficult, get ready. My name is Evelyn. Imagine spending a warm and comfortable Christmas with two cute newborns. only for everything to abruptly come apart.

It was the first Christmas that our twins had experienced, and my spouse, Mike, and I had been married for two years. His parents welcomed us to stay for two weeks, of course. His mother said, excited to meet the grandchildren, “It’ll be wonderful!”

I carefully packed everything, including snacks for the journey, clothes for the twins, and my mother-in-law’s favorite—a jar of wildflower honey. I was all set for the ideal family vacation.

But things changed after we got there. When Mike knocked on the door, his mother’s countenance brightened at seeing the twins. “Well, have a peek at them! She gushed, “They’re so precious!” and picked them up.

It was adorable at first, the in-laws cooing over the babies, exactly what I had dreamed of. However, it didn’t take long to realize that this wasn’t the cozy, familial Christmas I had expected.

My father-in-law gave Mike a glass of wine as soon as he settled in, and his mother chirped, “We’ve set up your room, Evelyn,” while she was still holding one of the twins.

Fantastic! “Where are we going to stay?” Assuming we would be in the guest room, I inquired. She avoided making eye contact and said, “Well, Mike will be in his old room.”

And where am I going to be? Confused, I asked.

She paused. “I’ll see you in the barn. It has a heater and has been transformed. It’s pretty comfortable. Thinking that was a joke, I laughed. “The barn, what? A real barn, that is?

Yes, sweetheart. It’s comfortable,” she affirmed. “Comfy? Do you wish for me to slumber in a barn? Distant from my spouse? The twins, too?

Mike gave her a backward shrug. “Ev, it’s not a huge deal. You’re distorting the truth about this.

I looked in shock at him. Not very important? Mike, it’s a barn. Why am I outside when you’re inside the house?

He sipped from his wine. “My old room is small, and the house is full.” The twins also require quiet. It’s only going to last a few nights. My heart fell. “My spouse and I are wed. Our kids are here. This is absurd!

With a roll of his eyes, he concluded the chat. It’s alright. You are exaggerating. A pit formed in my gut. Then it dawned on me. Where are the twins sleeping, I wonder?

“Oh, they’ll be here with us,” his mother exclaimed with joy. “A crib has been set up in our room. They shouldn’t be using the barn.

I was unable to speak. Still, they’re infants! They must accompany me. My father-in-law firmly stated, “Well, this is how we’ve arranged it.”

That was the tipping point. My rage made my voice waver. “You keep my babies in your chamber and you want me to sleep in a barn? What’s going on, Mike?

However, Mike had already vanished, having gone to catch up with his pals. It was unbelievable to me.

I walked up to the barn, took out my phone, and started taking pictures of the temporary sleeping quarters. After that, I reserved the earliest flight back.

I uploaded the pictures to the internet and vented about the whole mess while I sat at the airport with the twins dozing off in my arms. As soon as I got on the plane, I felt a wave of relaxation. I was at last free.

Mike and his family are sending me a ton of angry messages on my phone right now. “How could you make us look bad like that?” “Take down the post!” they yelled.

I can’t resist laughing. Make them feel uncomfortable? They need to be ashamed of themselves after treating me like that. Even sleeping in a barn was a source of shame. And they expect me to apologize now?

As we sit by the Christmas tree, my mom asks me gently, “Are you okay, honey?” while holding one of the twins.

I sigh. “Mike is upset, as is his family. They want me to remove the post and issue an apology.

Her expression is composed when she looks at me. “Do you feel bad about it?”

I give a headshake. “No, mother. I’m simply fed up with attempting to maintain harmony.

She gives a soft smile. We always welcome you and the twins to our home. There are situations when sticking up for yourself means letting other people down.

I see that the Christmas lights are twinkling, and I feel at ease here that I wasn’t at Mike’s parents’ place. Once more, my phone beeps, but I choose to ignore it. I mumble, “I don’t think I’m going back.”

The other twin wraps her little fingers around my fingers and hands her to me. “You are deserving of better,” she murmurs. And I think so, for the first time in many days.

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Anjum Iqbal


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