Have you ever pondered during a conversation how the world would ever survive? That, in my opinion, is how a lot of people react when they hear a woman and a Walmart staff converse.
This discourse swiftly descended into irrelevance. The Walmart clerk was, to put it mildly, mistaken in her attempts to save money or perhaps the environment, but I’m sure she meant well.
The dialogue in the following story can be read, but be advised that it might cause you to doubt humanity’s ability to survive for very long.

I was scanning and bagging my nearly $300 worth of items at Walmart when this happened, and the staff, who makes $15 per hour, “monitored” me.
- Why are you double bagging every grocery item, she asked?
- Excuse me, what’s up?
- You are wasting our bags, Her!
Me: Feel free to come over here and bag the goods yourself if you don’t like the way I’m doing it.

That’s not my job, her!
Me: Alright, if that’s good with you, I’ll wrap my groceries whatever I choose.
Why are you using two bags, her?
Me, as I don’t want the handles to break or the bottoms to rip out of the bags due to their weakness.
Her: “That’s because you’re packing too much in the bag,” she said. You wouldn’t need to double bag if you removed half of those stuff and placed it in another bag.
*I looked at her for ten seconds straight.
Me: So, in order to save me from having to double bag these things, could you just divide them in half and place half of them in another bag?
Her, precisely.
Me: To carry the same amount of stuff, I would still need two bags.
Her: No, as you wouldn’t be carrying two bags at once.
*Me trying to stop my left eye from twitching by applying two fingers to it.
Me: Alright, so I have a double-bagged bottle of juice and a gallon of milk here. Even if I eliminate the milk and the double bagging and just put the juice and milk in one bag each, I will still need two bags for these two items.
Her: No, it’s not the same amount of bags because you aren’t double bagging them.
*Me glancing around at roughly ten other patrons who are now taking in the performance.
Me: Is this similar to the math thing I keep hearing about in Common Core?
Her: It’s okay, you simply don’t understand.
After that, she returned to her small Podium to carry on with her activities, such as texting or using her phone to play games, until she made the decision to visit and comment on my bagging abilities.😂😂
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