After saving puppies from a storm drain, firefighters discovered the dogs weren’t actually puppies at all.

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Local firefighters discovered an unexpected discovery when responding to a complaint of puppies stranded in a storm drain in Colorado Springs.

They found eight tiny black pups cuddled up in the muddy, moist pit when they got to the scene. A deeper examination, however, showed that these were red fox kits, or vixen cubs, rather than Labrador pups as previously believed.

After hearing the kits’ cries, the jogger who first noticed them searched the area around the storm drain, but she was unable to locate their mother. She called the non-emergency number and requested assistance from the fire department, fearing the worst.

The storm drain lid had rusted shut, so when the firefighters got to the scene, they tried to open it. They forced it open with a crowbar, taking care not to scare the kittens or their mother, who they sensed was close by.

They searched the area, but were unable to find the mother fox, which begged the question of whether she had abandoned her young or had suffered an injury or other disability.

The kits were malnourished, wet, and cold; even at only a few days old, they were in terrible shape. The firefighters realized that in order to provide the care and attention the animals needed to survive, they had to get them to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

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Anjum Iqbal


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