At my own wedding, after speaking with the groom’s mother, whose plan was almost perfect, I said, “I don’t!”


The day of Ryan and Hanna’s wedding was meant to be a celebration of their union, but there was a chance that something unanticipated may go wrong. Ryan’s mother Audrey revealed shocking information just before the wedding: a video purporting to show Ryan with a different woman.

Hanna was crushed, wondering all she thought she knew about the man she was about to marry. However, Hanna discovered that the lie was more widespread than she had ever thought when the facts came to light.

We met by coincidence two years ago, Ryan and I. I was there to support my friend Mila, who was directing for the first time, at a community theater production. I was standing outside after the show, holding a bouquet for Mila, when Ryan walked into me and unintentionally crushed the flowers. “I’m so sorry,” he murmured, immediately picking up the flowers. We had a connection after that casual meeting, and before we realized it, we were bonded.

After three months of dating, Ryan asked her to marry him over potato skins and Guinness in a quaint pub. It seemed ideal even if it wasn’t ostentatious. Our wedding was planned for the next week, and everything seemed to be falling into place. Ryan was loved by my family and I was warmly welcomed by his family. I’d become close to his mother, Audrey, and we’d often bonded over coffee and manicures.

But everything changed the day of our wedding. Audrey grabbed me out of the crowd thirty minutes before the wedding. With a hint of discomfort in her voice, she replied, “Hanna, we need to talk.” As she gave me her phone, my heart skipped a beat. “This is something you should observe.”

A video of Ryan with another woman was on the screen, and I felt like my whole life was falling apart. “Is this true?” My voice trembled as I asked. Audrey nodded and pointed out indisputable elements from the video. The jacket Ryan was wearing, the hotel room—everything felt too familiar.

Although I was inconsolable, I wasn’t prepared to let go just yet. I told Audrey, “I’m still going down that aisle.” “But I’ll end it when it’s time for the vows.”

As I made my way to the altar, the weight of what I’d seen felt crushing. Ignorant of the fury building within of him, Ryan grinned at me. I answered, “I don’t,” looking him in the eyes when it was time for our vows. The space became quiet. Ryan begged for an answer, feeling offended and bewildered. “Ask your mom,” I answered, pointing to Audrey.

When Audrey turned over her phone, the confusion grew rather than became clearer. “I’m not that person!” Ryan exclaimed, his voice overflowing with urgency. When he addressed his mother, she walked out of the church without saying anything more. I departed with my parents because I could not bear to stay any longer.

For the following two days, I was consumed with heartbreak. Ryan attempted to connect, but I was unable to confront him. Desperate to explain, he finally showed up to my parents’ place with takeout and flowers. I was astonished by what he disclosed.

After the wedding, Ryan had approached his mother. He remarked, his voice heaving with incredulity, “She made the whole thing up.” Her students are shown in the video. She was against our marriage.

The entire film had been planned by Audrey, a high school teacher who also tutored college students. Ryan’s jacket was added for realism, and she had paid her students to put the scene together. She had gone to tremendous efforts to stop our wedding because she didn’t believe I was worthy of her son.

I was taken aback. The woman who had taken care of me like family, Audrey, had acted badly behind my back. It was more than I could bear, this treachery.

However, I understood then that Ryan wasn’t the bad guy. A nasty untruth had been the victim of both of us. Both he and I were sorry that I had doubted him. We had gone through so much, yet together, we found the fortitude to move forward, leaving Audrey’s dishonesty behind us.

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