A stranger enters the pub where a person was standing. They start conversing after a time, and at around 10:30 p.m., the second man says, “Oh well, I better get home.” My spouse dislikes it when I spend the late hours of the night out. In response, the first man says, “I’ll get you out of this. Simply follow my instructions.
Return home. Enter the bedroom surreptitiously. Take the blankets off. There won’t be any complaints in the morning if you get dwn between her legs and then lck, lik, and lik for roughly twenty minutes.
The man accepts to give it a shot and stays with him for two more hours of drinking before going home to try it. The house was completely dark when he arrived home.

He crept into the bedroom upstairs, pulled back the curtains, and lied there for twenty minutes. He chose to wash his face since the bed felt soggy. His wife was seated on the to*let when he entered the restroom.
“What the hell are you doing in here?!” he cried as soon as he saw her. “Silence!” she cried out. “It will awaken my mom.”
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