My boyfriend, 23 M, and I, 22 f, had been together for roughly seven months. Overall, our relationship was positive and we shared a lot of interests. Since we are both quite open to a lot, everything went pretty well in the bedroom. Degradation, on the other hand, is something I will never tolerate. Because my partner enjoys it, we’ve talked about it a lot. I’ve even tried it once with him, but I didn’t really like it, so he said we should stop.
He flatly lied about it and kept bringing it up now and then, to which I would constantly tell him that I find it uncomfortable and dislike it. He started insulting me and called me things like “slut,” “whore,” and other derogatory terms the other day during our sexual encounter. After his persistent prodding about it and then carrying it out nevertheless, I became so tired of it that I just shoved him away and told him I was done with it. then, without completing anything, left his place.

I think it’s funny that he’s been whining about this to all of our mutual friends, but some of my friends think I was sort of an ah for ending it that way without even having a full chat about it. Although I don’t really think I did anything wrong here, I’m starting to doubt myself, therefore I would appreciate other people’s comments. Was it too harsh of me to abandon him like that and walk away?
A brief update: I have no intention of reuniting with him, so please don’t worry. A few others also mentioned that my buddies might not have been aware of the entire situation. I messaged a couple of them, and you’re right—they were only aware of the most basic information about how I allegedly ended our relationship “randomly” in the middle of having sex and then allegedly “refused to talk about anything with him before leaving,” so that narrative was promptly refuted.

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