Keep Your Distance From The Gay Flight Attendant

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I believe we have all had the experience of leaving a scenario when someone has the upper hand, and then a few minutes or even hours later, we come up with the perfect counterargument.

Sometimes we just state that we aren’t fast enough to come up with those ideas on the spot, but occasionally we hear about someone who strikes gold and it just so happens.

An overtly lesbian flight attendant was serving me on my flight, and she was clearly gay. He seemed to put everyone in a pleasant mood as he delivered us food and drinks.

“Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he’ll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super,” he said, swishing down the aisle as the plane proceeded to descend.

He saw a young, exotic, and immaculately dressed woman hadn’t moved when he made his way back up the aisle. “Maybe it was muffled by those massive engines, but I asked you to lift your tray so the main man could give us a pat on the ground.”

“In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one,” she remarked, turning her head gently. Without wasting a beat, the flight attendant answered, “Well, sweet-cheeks, I’m called a Queen in my country, so I outrank you.” Get on a tray, Bitch.

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