Man Addresses Couple at Restaurant After They Commit a Serious Error

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Any parent will tell you how challenging it can be to change a child’s diaper in public.

It’s often a necessity, yet public restrooms aren’t always equipped with the proper equipment, especially men’s restrooms.

Therefore, when it comes to modifying their child, parents frequently have to take matters into their own hands and get creative.

But there’s a thin line separating human decency from creativity.

Discover why a Redditor approached a couple who had just changed their infant at a restaurant by reading on.

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The 24-year-old man questioned a couple’s behavior on the well-known “Am I an a” subreddit. To be honest, so are we.

While dining at a place “above an Applebees, but not a fancy restaurant,” he clarified, with

He saw a couple at the table changing their baby’s diaper, according to his girlfriend.As we sat there.

The diaper was left for us at the end of the table closet by the couple who changed their baby there at the table, the author stated.

To make matters even more disgusting, the pair placed the diaper at the end of the table “possibly

roughly fifteen minutes.Personally, I thought this was a little gross, though maybe it was just in my imagination.

However, I thought I could smell the diaper. For this reason, when our dinner arrived, I asked them to kindly dispose of it.

A meaningless chat broke out between the two tables.

The person seated across from me asked why. I said, “I think it’s disgusting to be eating in.”

close closeness to human waste in the restroom while there is a garbage can and changing station

(I looked, and both are present). I should mind my own f***ing business, he informed me.

Although his partner didn’t think he was a bad person for bringing it up, the Redditor said, he should have just left it alone.

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