At a big family reunion, a 16-year-old calls out her father for cheating.

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We occasionally have to deal with strange and unanticipated issues in our world. These are the kinds of difficulties that can occasionally be very challenging to resolve, particularly when there are family conflicts.

A teen took to Reddit to voice her worries about the way she handled a situation in which her father had cheated on her mother. Everyone in the close family seemed to be aware of the circumstances, but no one seemed to be speaking out about them.

When she called him out publicly in front of the extended family, things headed in a very terrible direction rapidly. She wanted to find out if she was in the wrong, since not everyone agreed with how she handled things.

I apologize for the title, but bear with me.

I’ve never had the finest relationship with my dad. He’s never really been around; he works really long hours and travels frequently for work at a high-ranking position at a bank. My mother raised my siblings and me essentially alone, and we have a very strong relationship. We don’t chat much, and when we do, it’s usually about how bad my grades are and how I’ll never amount to anything if I continue in this direction. I try to stay away from him.

Mom about what I saw and she didn’t look surprised at all. She got pretty emotional which I felt bad about, and told me not to worry and that i should just worry about being a kid and let her take care of the rest, so I just let it go cause I didnt want to hurt her more.

So, to recap, last night we all attended a large dinner at my grandparents’ house, when my cousin announced to the group that he had started working at a software firm. My Dad used this as a chance to criticize me, telling me that I ought to take my cousin’s lead and put more effort into my studies.

I just ignored him and kept eating. My Uncle agreed saying how hard it was to get through to young people nowawadays, and my Dad said it’s because there was no respect and I never respected him. I was so tired of his s*** and without thinking I said back, “hard to respect you when you openly cheat on Mom and don’t even try to hide it”.

Everyone went silent, and my Dad looked beyond pi**ed. He asked my Mom wtf I was talking about and told her that she had spoiled and ruined me. They started arguing and then after a couple minutes of everyone else trying to calm them down, my Mom told me and my siblings that we were leaving and told my Dad not to come home. When we got home my phone started blowing up.

On the group chat I have with my cousins they said I was a massive dk for publicly airing private stuff. I also got a few texts/voicemails from my Uncles telling me I ruined my parents marriage and that I should stick my nose out of adult s*. I felt pretty guilty about what happened and apologized to my Mom. She said that she understood my frustration and I probably should have expressed it better privately but what’s done is done. I’ve also gotten a few calls from my Dad but I’ve ignored all of them. He hasn’t come home yet, probably staying at one of his mistresses houses.

I still feel pretty bad about what I did, just wanted to get him off my back and was so frustrated with his hypocrisy. AITA?

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